🐔Bloody Roosters

Bloody Roosters is the ultimate fighting experience. In this exciting NFT-powered game, you'll engage in intense battles using your trusty roosters and place bets with your friends as you face off against fierce opponents. You’ll take on different arenas and bet for a chance to come out on top. You might play as the ruthless pursuer, hunting down the Bastard runners with an arsenal of guns, or you might have to run for your life and outsmart your enemies, and you may never know what role you will be. The thrill of victory or the agony of defeat meets in Bloody Roosters. Earn $BREGG as a reward of beating up other players, and stake your unique NFTs to earn more in a $BREGG controlled economy.

📚 Compelling storyline

In BR we believe that a compelling story line is an important aspect of any game, as it helps to engage and immerse the player in the game world. A well-written and intriguing story line can keep players invested in the game, as they become more and more connected with the characters and their journey. Understanding this, we spent endless hours on writing the most exciting stories behind the bloody fights of the roosters and the various tribes they formed to conquer the world.

🎨Outstanding characters designs

The BR NFT sets were uniquely designed to illustrate the 8 different tribes of our story. Each tribe (sub-collection) possesses its own characteristics among a wide set of 500+ traits that makes each rooster unique on its own while maintaining a sense of belonging to the bloody gang.

Every sub-collection in exceptional:

  • A base character with own personality

  • Variants of hands position

  • Personalized set of visual traits

  • Custom art design (character and background)

Beyond the art, the NFT set is made with a balanced rarity distribution making it as attractable as possible for the community.

🖼️Unique NFT features

The unique set of 8,000 beautifully designed roosters has many unmatched features and utilities that sets the gaming experience on a whole different level for players.

PFP Annexation

This unique feature allows gamers to use their game identity as a social identity. An undefeated sense of ownership where your digital avatar is generated from your favourite game character. We are looking towards implementing this innovation on different scales: our own collection, and on a wider level in co-operation with reputable launchpads for a more friendly-experience.

Beyond creating a digital identity, we have a futuristic vision where your NFT character is going to be your game avatar, and where our players have the possibility to create their own NFT design/avatars. . With the base model to be created for each NFT, stored in IPFS/ARWEAVE, and linked to NFT via metadata. That will give owners a full NFT utility, we called it the Triad: NFT avatar, PFP, and Game Avatar. A feature we’re looking towards making it a standard in the overall metaverse & gaming scene

Empowering Gamers

The NFTs allow the gamers to have full control over them when it comes to customization, selling, and buying which reveals the full potential of in-game assets ownership.

Revenue-Generating Asset

The BR NFTs allow you to earn $BREGG, simply while the NFT stays in your wallet. This is a step forward where art meets utility.

💰Play AND Earn

Creating rewards helps to attract gamers and incentivize them to participate in the economy of the game on a more active basis. While doing so, we aim to build a sustainable economy that maintains values and create a good balance between rewards and players. Here comes the ‘play and earn’ mechanism, where you can earn $BREGG by fighting your opponents. A mixture between traditional betting and fighting games.

🧑Boosting User Expansion

While BR NFTs allow a unique gaming experience, personalisation, and unlock the potential to access the game economy, we made it possible for non-nft holders to participate through a random avatar and enjoy BR whether they are using $BREGG to bet or playing in the free mode. Moreover, $BREGG will be obtainable for all non-nft holders through DEXs so they can bet without the need of possessing an avatar. This step was taken to ensure a possibility of growing BR users and open the path for a wider expansion while holders of NFTs can enjoy their exclusive benefits and gain sentimental and monetary values.

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